by lauren hilger
I left every room for it
I’ll move the room to me
I’ll move the rose to face
you wait at the foot of that door
take off my hoops when it opens
why was I afraid of the words
why to read the message
I slammed my hand over your mouth
time refilling
occasion for no speech
but the illusion of forever
chills the base of my throat
like some lemon bite too sharp
unless you like big numbers
daytime shapes up cool white and blue not
regal enough for you
the idea of logging off is done
this quiet comes around
my fist closed in a silent film
I tried to tell you
but the story stays here
all in my mouth my hands
wind over the ocean
fire on the sand
I’m not going to hurt you
I stamp my signet ring into wax
Lauren Hilger is the author of Lady Be Good (CCM, 2016.) Named a Nadya Aisenberg Fellow in poetry from the MacDowell Colony, she has also received fellowships from the Hambidge Center and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in BOMB, Harvard Review online, Kenyon Review online, Pleiades, The Threepenny Review, West Branch, and elsewhere. She serves as a poetry editor for No Tokens.